SPECIAL OFFER – free membership for one year for all companies until 31 of March

CroMall.eu - pricing tableRight on free usage of platform have:
1. Social companies which solve important social problems – in particular those concerning the protection of rights and improvement of the position of persons with disabilities, the elderly, children, women, members of ethnic minorities and animals – at local, national or global level.
2. Companies who systematically employ persons with disabilities and other persons which is difficult to employ.
3. Companies that reinvest at least 30% of the profit in the community.
4. Companies under the age of two whose owners are persons with disabilities, members of ethnic minorities, persons under the age of 30 or women.
5. Pensioners who perform business activities through domestic labor.

Pricing table of advertising on CroMall.euRight on free advertising on platform through option “Feautured product” for one month have all micro and small companies which products carry labels “Croatian Creation”, “Croatian Quality”, “Croatian Island Product”, “Croatian ECO Product”, “Milk from Croatian Dairy Farms”, “Meat from Croatian Farms”, “Halal Quality” and “Kosher Quality”.